BYD electric vehicles

Even 10 years ago, the abbreviation BYD did not arouse much emotion among car enthusiasts. Cars under this brand embodied the worst that could be imagined in the automotive industry. But since 2021-22 years byd has changed dramatically and now breaks all records of status and is considered the best-selling in the world. It was able to surpass even the popular Tesla in terms of build quality, variety of models and price level.

"Build Your Dreams"
together with BYD
The slogan Build Your Dreams fully corresponds to the activities of BYD Corporation and its ambitious rapid advancement in the automotive market. The first Chinese electric car in F3 modification turned out to be very successful and is still in great demand among motorists all over the world.

The main thing is that byd auto has made huge progress in electrical technology. The on-board network of 800 volts allows you to replenish the charge in minutes, and the capacity of lithium-iron-phosphate batteries series Blade in capacity is not inferior to the usual lithium-ion and plus have a good price advantage.

At present BYD not only conquers the local market, but also successfully sells electric cars all over the world, including South America and Norway. In addition, the concern's enterprises produce both the cars themselves and components for them (batteries, microchips). Thus, BYD does not depend on third-party suppliers.

BYD today
Back in July 2021, the news that BYD has surpassed Tesla in the number of electric cars produced and sold, a record 638.2 thousand cars against 564 thousand, and this is only for the first half of 2022, was actively discussed.

But actually this number was counted together with rechargeable hybrids. However, the "pure" 323.5 thousand BYD cars working entirely on electricity provided the corporation with a strong 2nd place in the world.

Now the company is steadily and quickly conquering all new markets.
BYD advantages

Chinese electric cars brand BYD pleasantly surprise with the following bonuses:

ï‚· The price for them in is lower than that of a Tesla, and this is already with paperwork, customs clearance, and delivery.
ï‚· The received electric car can be immediately operated and run-in, as it is equipped with SBCTS and EPTS.

The electric car does not need regular cleaning, oil change, diagnostics, etc., as in the case of cars with drive. It is enough to charge it and hit the road. The only concern is battery replacement, after about 5-6 years, but these costs are much lower than regular ones on familiar cars.
Technical specifications
The design of BYD electric cars has the combined features of sports cars and business class cars, which makes them stand out among the usual representatives of petrol and hybrid car lines.

Technical parameters of BYD electric cars:

- Battery capacity - 65-77 kW.
- Range - 420-600 km.
- Maximum speed - 185 km/h.
- Electric motor power - 480-520 hp.
- Acceleration to 100 km/h - 3.9 sec.
- Minimum ground clearance - 160 mm.
Choosing any version of this company's electric car, the driver becomes the owner of a wonderful car - comfortable, manoeuvrable, reliable and safe. Exclusive saloon, attractive interior, stylish front panel with a large touch screen, comfortable seats, panoramic roof, charging port and many more "stylish pluses" that will be appreciated even by the most picky buyers.

BYD electric car can easily cover long distances. With it, you can not worry about the safety of everyone in the cabin, thanks to quasi-autopilot DiPilot, which reliably keeps the electric car inside the lane. And built-in parking sensors, surround-view cameras and car parking systems will help you avoid trouble on metropolitan roads.
Why choose a BYD electric vehicle

Despite the fact that petrol-powered cars are more common, the percentage of electric cars on the country's roads is steadily increasing and they are the future. This is explained in particular by the drivers' desire for frugality, an electric car uses energy more economically than a conventional car - petrol. The desire to care for the environment is also important; with the reduction in the number of petrol engines, the air in megacities will become cleaner and smog will disappear.
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