
Tesla is a brand that is widely known all over the world and one of the first cars to run on electricity. A wide model range and flexible pricing policy allows you to find a car to suit any budget, for any needs, including carsharing, taxis, etc.
Before you buy a new model of the car "Tesla" you need to decide for yourself what exactly you want to see in your garage.
To do this, it is desirable to go through dozens of variants of proposals, which not only differ in appearance, but also take into account:

- Year of manufacture;
- Model;
- Equipment;
- Mileage;
- Quality\ condition of the battery.

The iconic electric cars from Tesla presented in our catalogue can already be bought and used not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also all over Russia.

Tesla will please any connoisseur of luxury cars with good technical equipment, quality battery with excellent capacity, power reserve even in the most inexpensive model of electric cars will be enough up to 500 km without recharging.

The Tesla electric car and its features

In addition, Tesla will be pleased with other "pluses":

- Recognisable, unique design;
- In the "stuffing" dozens of useful functions, including autopilot, allowing the driver to relax on the long road;
- Durability, reliability of all inbuilt components, the car will not let the owner down, provided quality maintenance.

With Tesla any admirer of electric cars can touch the future today. Capacious battery, excellent power, appearance of any model of the brand will make everyone who will see an electric car on the roads of the country sigh with envy.

what makes it special?

The very belonging of the cars to the means of transport of the future puts the brand a couple or three steps above the traditional "petrol counterparts". In addition, original technological solutions are traced in the creation of the entire Tesla model range:

Design features.
Electric cars do not have a lot of moving elements, the work of cars supports only 4 main systems:
- ESS (energy storage system);
- PEM (power electronics module);
- Sequential gearbox;
- Electric motor.

Thanks to this, the electric car has less weight, more usable space in the cabin is released, which affects the comfort of the driver and passengers, two luggage compartments. Plus there is a lower probability of breakdown of the car, it is easier to repair, there are no "dirty" fluids, odours.
Tesla's in-built autopilot does not exclude the complete absence of a driver, but makes his life much easier. The company plans to create a car fully controlled by "Iskin" (artificial intelligence), which will be able to drive without human participation.
Now autopilot helps the driver to stick to his lane, regulate the distance between cars, control the speed, etc. This allows the owner to enjoy the journey to the fullest, admiring the surrounding scenery without worrying about traffic safety. Some models are even able to drive into the garage on their own.

The interior is in the style of "minimalism".
The main control is provided by a large touch screen or several, it all depends on the model. There are no buttons, toggle switches, protruding levers and switches. Therefore, neither the driver, nor the passenger on the front seat do not feel discomfort, do not touch the prominent parts of the car control. And in the cabin itself, you can sit in maximum comfort and enjoy the journey.
Tesla model range

Since 2006, electric car enthusiasts can buy the following Tesla models:
- Tesla Model S (sedan);
- Tesla Model X (crossover);
- Tesla model Y (SUV functionality, but drives like a sports car);
- Tesla Model 3 (sedan).

Each of these electric cars has its own unique characteristics, and the buyer will always be able to find an electric car to his liking. There is no doubt that in a few years liquid fuel cars will gradually become a thing of the past and ecological means of transport will appear on the roads. They will be a real breakthrough in the automotive industry - fast, comfortable, safe, opening up an endless world of roads for the driver.
> 41 500 $